3D Concrete Printing

Cities & Regions

Bringing the digital revolution to the construction industry for more sustainable and affordable infrastructure

Project Facts

Austria, Malawi

Project Dates
Start: 2016

The Story

Holcim is seizing opportunities in the 3D printing market by developing specific construction solutions. Bringing the digital revolution to the construction industry, 3D concrete printing allows complex geometric structures to be created at a reasonable cost and with shorter production times compared to traditional techniques.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

3D printing can play a key role in bridging our world’s infrastructure gap by building high-quality housing and buildings in a sustainable, affordable and fast-paced way at scale. Using proprietary Holcim ink, this innovative 3D printing process significantly reduces the time, cost and materials used for building housing and infrastructure, while reducing their environmental footprint by more than 50% compared to conventional methods.
In addition to residential projects, Holcim’s 14Trees developed the first 3D-printed school in Malawi as well as Africa's largest 3Dprinted affordable housing project.
These projects will also sustain skilled job creation by hiring and upskilling local experts in dynamic roles such as 3D machine operators to material specialists working in partnership with local builders for carpentry, roofing, painting, and beyond.

Holcim Austria, Austria

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Sustainable Building