Austrian Green Planet Building®

Cities & Regions

Worldwide sustainable building "Made in Austria"

Project Facts


Applied Financing Solutions

Project Dates
Start: 2018
In operation since/from: 2025

The Story

The building sector is responsible for more than one-third of energy consumption and CO2 emissions worldwide. Sustainable building is, therefore, the order of the day. Energy efficiency and renewable energies are essential for the sustainability of buildings. AUSTRIAN GREEN PLANET BUILDING® (AGPB) transfers the objectives and criteria of the national climate protection initiative klimaaktiv for the building and real estate industry to the international environment. Norwegian coffee roastery, Chinese office building, Kazakh church, Belgian bank, Estonian passive house, or embassy building in Thailand - these buildings have one thing in common: They were built with Austrian know-how in the field of sustainable construction. Austrian planning offices, consultants, construction companies, production plants, as well as technologies, were used.

In 2018, AUSTRIAN GREEN PLANET BUILDING® started awarding international buildings with Austrian participation. After the coronavirus pandemic, the 2022 award ceremony sent a strong signal for global sustainable construction with Austrian know-how and technologies and presented it to a broad public: 14 buildings from 9 countries and more than 20 Austrian companies were awarded.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

AGPB makes the successful worldwide implementation of Austrian know-how visible. The AGPB Award recognizes these outstanding achievements and honors the buildings and the Austrian companies involved. AGPB is more than "just" this award: The sustainable aspects of each building are widely communicated, thus, strengthening the knowledge of international sustainable building.

pulswerk GmbH, Austria

Other Involved Stakeholders
Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA (AWA)

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Sustainable Building