Climate Change Center

Cities & Regions

Addressing the climate crisis by promoting green cities

Project Facts


Project Dates
Start: 2021
In operation since/from: 2025

The Story

The priority of the Climate Change Center is to address the climate crisis through education and promotion of sustainable development. The team uses technology to show how dangerous climate change is and how much it affects human life. Through modern education, they teach the new generation to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It is a place where people and ideas for building and developing ecological awareness will find space, a meeting place for those who care about the future of the world. The Climate Change Center implements projects and visualizations that change concreted urban spaces. Educational activities in the field of green design and dissemination of the idea of green cities are carried out. Workshops are conducted and we cooperate with the government in the field of climate education.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

Thanks to the Climate Change Center projects, green areas have been introduced to our city of Wrocław. They engage local communities to take action on ecological projects and have established cooperation with government institutions, thanks to which they can promote climate education and green cities. The founders of Climate Change Center have been included in the Climate Leadership expert council at UNEP, where we work on climate education. Through their website the Climate Change Center team promotes educational and informational activities on the Internet and social media
regarding climate change. In 2023, they will be joining an economic mission at MPIM to Cannes, as ambassadors promoting green cities.

Climate Change Center - Centrum Zmian Klimatu, Poland

Other Involved Stakeholders

Non-profit, Awareness Raising, Private Initiative, Climate