Transforming forests into climate-friendly, species-rich mixed forests by 2100
Project Facts
Project Volume
50-250 Mio. EUR
Applied Financing Solutions
The Story
Drought, heat, windfalls, weather extremes - plus bark beetles and other forest pests: climate change is leaving clear traces in Austria's forests. But how will it affect the forests? What will Austria's forests look like in 100 years? We can no longer manage our forests as we have in the past; it is high time to rethink. Therefore, the Austrian Federal Forests have reacted and developed new strategies for their forests. Adapting forest management is the order of the day, because with production cycles of 120 years and more - the average harvesting age of a spruce tree - time is running out. Forest conversion towards the future has therefore already begun. The forest of the future will be a forest of diversity with climate-friendly, site-appropriate tree species that can cope better with the new climate conditions.
In recent decades, mixed forests have proven to be much more resilient to negative environmental influences than monocultures, for example. Tree species composition will play a major role in this. The basis for future planning is the Paris Agreement. In the event of a temperature increase as defined in the Paris Agreement, forestry can react and ensure intact forests in the future.
Success Factor | Hero Moment
What will grow in 100 years must be planned today. In cooperation with science and research, it was possible to create future climate scenarios and simulations of forest development up to 2100. For each of the 120 forest districts, there are now management plans up to 2100 that specify how the forests will be managed in line with the climate. With these long-term plans, the Federal Forests are also setting the pace for the future in a European comparison. The website is a first step towards presenting the plans, future scenarios and planned implementations in an appealing and low-threshold manner. This creates awareness among the general public.
Austrian Federal Forests, Austria
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Forestation, Adaptation, Awareness Raising