
Climate Communication

Lower Austria's platform for climate action

Project Facts

Lower Austria

Project Volume
10.000-100.000 EUR

Project Dates
Start: 2020
In operation since/from: 2025

The Story

klimawandeln.at is the online platform for climate action of the province of Lower Austria. It presents what the region is already doing and shows, what each and every one of us can contribute to climate protection. On klimawandeln.at you will find the organisations and initiatives in Lower Austria that are already active in climate protection as well as possibilities to become active (petitions, sponsorships, care assignments and much more) and advice centres on climate-related topics such as building, living, gardening, etc. Additionally there are tips on how you can make your everyday life more climate-friendly. A particular focus of the platform is on raising awareness for renewable energies and energy efficiency as well as electromobility.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

Under the umbrella of klimawandeln.at, 52 climate-relevant initiatives and organisations in Lower Austria present their offers in the field of climate protection. Under the heading "Was kann ich tun (What can I do)", visitors to the website can find suitable infos depending on whether you want to dedicate only a few minutes, several hours or more regularly to climate protection. You can filter according to personal interests: animal lovers get a different result than fans of good food or home builders.

NÖ Energie- und Umweltagentur GmbH (eNu), Austria

Other Involved Stakeholders
Amt der NÖ Landesregierung, Abteilung Umwelt- und Energiewirtschaft (RU 3)

Contact Mail


Consulting, Awareness Raising, local business