
Energy Cities & Regions Tourism

Smart, self-sustainable and mobile fully equipped micro-home

Project Facts

Bahamas, Costa Rica, Japan, Slovakia, Switzerland, United States

Project Dates
Start: 2009
In operation since/from: 2018

The Story

The story of Ecocapsule®  began in the year 2009, when the architectural studio Nice Architects participated in the Andes Sprout Society Idea Competition to design a small housing unit for an artist. A massive number of inquiries reached to develop this project further. Yet, the technology in 2009 was not ready for a truly independent house. Within the next five years, they had been working on the technological and product design of Ecocapsule. In 2014, the development of technology has allowed to finish the Ecocapsule prototype equipped with systems necessary (including self-generated energy from solar and wind) for longer time of independence. In 2018, the first Ecocapsule series has been released on the market. Currently they work on Ecocapsules' self-sustainability in different climate and weather conditions. Ecocapsule® offers a design way to fully equipped independent mid-term accomodation for one or two people usable as a cottage, pop-up hotel, mobile office or research station.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

Hero moment was a huge wave of global interest and publicity that came after the Andes Sprout competition and became a starting fuel of the project, and later a cast in James Corden’s show in 2016. The biggest overall success is, that they made a vision to become a reality with minimal finance and also, that Ecocapsule leaves a legacy – the word “ecocapsule” is becoming a synonym of small, ecological, self-sustainable, off-grid housing.

Ecocapsule Ltd., Slovakia

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Off-grid Solution, Sustainable Building, Tiny House