Status improvement of Klátovské rameno wetland

Forests & Biodiversity

Restoration of degraded wetland ecosystems

Project Facts


Project Volume
10.000-100.000 EUR

Applied Financing Solutions

Project Dates
Start: 2021 | End: 2024
In operation since/from: 2021

The Story

Local inhabitants of the area Klátovské branch river (Klátovské rameno) who very much care for the environment in their neighbourhood were concerned about the disappearing of the river Klátovské rameno. The river has been mainly impacted by climate change, but also by interventions such as flood protection measures. The locals thought about possibilities to save it for future generations. Neither of them is professional nature conservationist, nor an expert in the field of river maintenance – however they wanted to engage on a voluntary basis for their home region.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

Thus the NGO Zelené dedičstvo - Zöld örökség (Green Legacy) was established; the project/mission is to save National Nature Reserve Klátovské rameno. The NGO subsequently won a tender with Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, and its partners Slovak Water Management Enterprise and Slovak University of Technology. The project partners work on preserving the original state of the natural reserve with its exceptionally clean water and rare flora and fauna.

NGO Zelené dedičstvo - Zöld örökség (Green Legacy), Slovakia

Other Involved Stakeholders
Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, SLOVENSKÝ VODOHOSPODÁRSKY PODNIK, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

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Non-profit, Water