Smarter Together Vienna

Mobility & Transport Energy Cities & Regions

Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts. A Horizon 2020 project together with Munich and Lyon

Project Facts


Project Volume
50-250 Mio. EUR

Applied Financing Solutions

Project Dates
Start: 2016 | End: 2021
In operation since/from: 2025

The Story

Smarter Together is an EU-funded Smart City project with the focus on holistic urban renewal with the aim of contributing to the UN climate goals by implementing integrated solutions in large-scale housing refurbishment, local energy production and saving solutions, e-mobility, infrastructure and data-management. Emphasis is put on intensive citizen’s participation, partnership and knowledge management in view of a large-scale replication.

Smarter Together implements over 40 single projects with partners from governance, infrastructure and industrial enterprises as well as SMEs and research institutes. 3 housing refurbishment projects in co-operative as well as in municipal housing provide innovative solutions for the tenants and for the social housing sector. The innovative e-carsharing in social housing has triggered a new funding scheme.

The school refurbishment with 4 zero-energy gyms is a municipal best practice. Gamification activities for primary schools in the district involved over 9.000 smart city and climate ambassadors. An open source data management platform has been developed.

Success Factor | Hero Moment

The holistic and partnership approach made interact numerous players and succeeded to trigger additional activities and secured sustainability. Project areas such as Kids in Focus and Next Generation Researchers (co-operation with the RCE Vienna Sustainability Challenge) substantially added to active involvement of stakeholders and citizens and led to a huge number of follow up projects and policies. Vienna is i.a. currently implementing the 10 years follow up program WieNeu+ based on the learnings from Smarter Together.

City of Vienna (Dpt. Technical Urban Renewal), Austria

Other Involved Stakeholders
Cities of Munich and Lyon; consortial partners: City of Vienna (9 Dpt. amongst which Vienna Housing, Wien Digital, Vienna Schools), AIT, BWSG, Kelag Energie & Wärme, Österreichische Post, Siemens Mobility, Sycube, Urban Innovation Vienna (UIV), Wiener Stadtwerke, Wiener Linien, Wien Energie. Additional partners: Urban Renewal Office (GB*), Mobilitätsagentur, wohnpartner, wohnbund:consult, Friedhöfe Wien, VHS Simmering, Caruso, DIE UMWELTBERATUNG, Balu&Du, Sustainability Challenge/RCE Vienna.

Contact Mail


Participation, Smart City

Terminated Emissions
1.423 tons CO2e per year

Comparable to the annual CO2 absorption of
11.384 trees

Hard Facts
21.000 people are benefitting directly
1.135 MWh renewable energy produced per year
4.760 MWh annual energy savings per year