City of Vienna Waste Management launches Austria’s first fully electric-powered waste collection vehicle
Project Facts
Applied Financing Solutions
Project Dates
Start: 2019
In operation since/from: 2025
The Story
The electric garbage truck, the first vehicle of this kind ever built in Austria was introduced in 2019, the second vehicle followed 2021. These trucks are being deployed in different parts of the Vienna and for different garbage fractions (household waste, waste paper, etc.). For a start, it was scheduled to collect household waste inside the Vienna Gürtel, an area that includes some of the city’s most densely populated residential districts. This was the only way to find out whether the three-axle vehicle is fit for universal use and meets expectations in practice. Its Li-ion battery has a rated capacity of 230 kWh, providing a charge life that should be sufficient for a standard daily waste collection tour. By comparison, an average electric car has about 20-40 kWh. The new garbage truck was designed to have a range of at least 100 km in full operation on a single charge. Its battery can be charged with a 400 V industrial power socket thanks to an integrated charging system that allows for on-board AC to DC conversion. This increases the truck’s flexibility quite considerably, given that 400 V industrial sockets are provided in every MA 48 garage. There is no need for a separate charging unit.
Success Factor | Hero Moment
The vehicle was designed to use 100 percent battery power both for its drive engine and for the waste collection and compacting unit. The ecological impact of electric vehicles very much depends on the origin of the electricity: For years the MA 48 has been using energy from renewable sources. As a result, the vehicle produces zero emissions and significantly reduces noise levels during routine operation.
Waste Management Department (MA 48), Vienna, Austria
Other Involved Stakeholders
Cooperation with general contractor MAN and subcontractors MUT and Framo
Contact Mail
Waste Collection, E-mobility